Formation of the gastronomic cultural space of the Far East by Korean immigrants

  • Ден Валерия Гихоевна

    V. G. Den. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Konopleva N.A.

    N. A. Konopleva. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The article is devoted to the study of the formation of the gastronomic space in the aspect of ethnic interaction between Korean immigrants and far Eastern residents. It is established that the gastronomic space of the Far East was formed under the influence of a number of factors:
economic, natural and climatic, socio-demographic and cultural. The paper uses a historical approach to the study of cultural interpenetration, which is explained by the fact that it is both the result of the past and an important factor in the future innovative development of the territory.

Keywords: cultural environment, gastronomic space, cultural space, Russian far East, cultural interaction.